Upcoming Webinars

Pivoting Through Loss

Let’s lean in and learn how to better understand the intersections of loss and explore ways to cope with loss,

Welcome to our wellness journey! Today, we're addressing a universal experience - loss. Our goal is to provide you with insights and strategies to fill you with hope and resilience.

Embracing the Power of the Pivot

When life presents us with difficult choices, we often feel stuck. The key to moving forward is to pivot. Pivot represents forward momentum, the ability to adapt and change, and hope in motion.

Understanding Loss

Loss is universal and comes in many forms - from the loss of a loved one or job to the end of a relationship or a change in health. It's important to view these losses as opportunities for growth rather than debilitating obstacles.

Recognizing Non-Death Losses

Loss is not always about death. It can be the loss of relationships, jobs, physical health, financial stability, identity, dreams, independence, trust, a pet, or a sense of home or stability. What's important is to acknowledge these losses, give ourselves permission to grieve, and then look forward to redefining our identity and envisioning our future.

Navigating Through Loss

We can navigate through loss by exploring the following practical steps:

  • Give Yourself Permission to Grieve
  • Validate the Loss
  • Reframe Your Mindset
  • Find Deeper Meaning
  • Take Small Steps Forward

Embracing Resilience

Resilience is our ability to bounce back from adversity. It's about recognizing that we have the capacity to adapt, grow, and find new meaning in our lives, even in our darkest moments.


As we conclude, remember that loss is a part of life, but so is resilience and growth. It's okay to grieve, to cry, and to take the time you need to heal. 

Until next time, keep living, loving, and daring well!

Free Gift: Don't forget to download our Free Wellness Guide for more practical tips and resources to help you navigate through loss and embrace resilience.

Are you looking for more inspiration for wellness tips & coping skills?

Check out The Daring Well Podcast:

Categories: : Grief, Hope, Loss, Mindset, Resilience

Sherrita "Rita" Mercer, MA, LPCC-S, CTRTC, CCTP, CGCS, CIMHP
Holistic Wellness Coach & Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Hi, I'm Rita! I am so excited to support you on your wellness journey!   As a Wellness Coach, I offer a holistic approach to support growth through mindset coaching, stress management, mindfulness, coping skills, & mind and body practices. My expertise incorporates nearly a decade in the field of Mental Health & Holistic Wellness and over two decades in Business & Organizational Leadership and Human Resources. The Daring Well coaching model integrates the combined overflow of nearly a decade of certifications/trainings, education, and evidenced-based research to promote wellness in mind, body, and spirit. If you're ready to grow, shift your mindset, find clarity with your life direction and goals, while building a life you love, I am ready to lead the way. Join me on a journey to discover your true self with self-love and unapologetic confidence.