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Setting Healthy Boundaries for Emotional Wellbeing

Boundaries are the invisible lines we draw around ourselves to safeguard our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Let's dive in!


We're diving into the essence of setting healthy boundaries for our emotional well-being. We'll discuss what boundaries are and why they’re crucial, explore seven common types of relationship boundaries, and learn effective communication strategies for thriving in all our relationships. So, let’s dive in!

Understanding Boundaries

Boundaries are the invisible lines we draw around ourselves to safeguard our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. They delineate where we end and others begin, offering protection against violation or manipulation. Contrary to common belief, boundaries aren’t walls but gates that grant us the freedom to choose who enters our lives. They define our identity, manage our time and energy efficiently, and foster healthy relationships.

Types of Relationship Boundaries

Physical Boundaries: Defining personal space and touch, respecting privacy, and setting expectations for proximity.

Emotional Boundaries: Protecting our feelings, knowing when to share or keep emotions private, and maintaining emotional autonomy.

Material Boundaries: Establishing rules around possessions and resources to prevent exploitation or misuse.

Time Boundaries: Balancing personal time with work and relationships, ensuring self-care and prioritizing activities that bring joy.

Sexual Boundaries: Setting comfort levels and boundaries in intimate relationships, emphasizing consent, respect, and communication.

Intellectual Boundaries: Respecting differing thoughts, ideas, and opinions without belittling or invalidating others' experiences.

Digital Boundaries: Being mindful of privacy and respect in online communication, setting limits on availability and response times.

Handling Reactions and Challenges

Setting boundaries can be challenging, often met with various reactions such as guilt trips, dismissiveness, anger, manipulation, and gaslighting. It's crucial to respond assertively, communicate boundaries unapologetically, and prioritize emotional well-being.

Practical Strategies for Boundary Setting

  • Be Clear and Consistent: Express needs and wants assertively, using "I" statements and active listening to promote understanding and empathy.
  • Practice Active Listening: Listen with the intention to understand, respect others' boundaries, and validate their feelings even when disagreeing.
  • Show Empathy: Validate others' perspectives while asserting your own boundaries, strengthening relationships through mutual respect.


Setting healthy boundaries is essential for our well-being and the quality of our relationships. By understanding different boundary types, addressing common challenges, and practicing effective communication, we empower ourselves to cultivate fulfilling connections. Remember, healthy boundaries are an act of self-love and self-respect. 

Thank you for stoping by the blog, “Mindful Living,” your guide for holistic wellness in mind, body, & spirit.  Until next time, keep living, loving, and daring well. 

Are you looking for more inspiration for wellness tips & coping skills?

Check out The Daring Well Podcast:



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Learn healthy relationship and communications skills with this quick cheat sheet of Relationship Habits based on the Choice Theory / Reality  Therapy model. 

7 Relationship Habits

Categories: : Boundaries, Goals, Relationships

Sherrita "Rita" Mercer, MA, LPCC-S, CTRTC, CCTP, CGCS, CIMHP
Holistic Wellness Coach & Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Hi, I'm Rita! I am so excited to support you on your wellness journey!   As a Wellness Coach, I offer a holistic approach to support growth through mindset coaching, stress management, mindfulness, coping skills, & mind and body practices. My expertise incorporates nearly a decade in the field of Mental Health & Holistic Wellness and over two decades in Business & Organizational Leadership and Human Resources. The Daring Well coaching model integrates the combined overflow of nearly a decade of certifications/trainings, education, and evidenced-based research to promote wellness in mind, body, and spirit. If you're ready to grow, shift your mindset, find clarity with your life direction and goals, while building a life you love, I am ready to lead the way. Join me on a journey to discover your true self with self-love and unapologetic confidence.